We take a whole mind-body approach to burnout, using cutting-edge & proven strategies, mindset coaching, & exceptional support, in order to fundamentally transform our clients’ lives.
We work with you to eliminate your burnout, that then flows onto your health, relationships, confidence, and your ability to be your best self.
To learn more about how we achieve this for our clients, download our free report.
We understand how to unlock your true potential.
You’ve worked so hard and for so long to get to where you are, and you can feel it slipping away.
You’re stressed all the time, you don’t sleep well, you can’t relax, and your ability to focus and make good decisions seems harder now.
Your burnout is affecting how you think, how you engage and connect with others, and your sense of self and self-confidence.
If the amount of energy it takes just to get out of bed in the morning has started to feel suffocating… something big needs to change.
You’re in the right place.
We invite you to download our free report to learn more.
Meet Luke
Luke is a holistic health practitioner and health coach and is the founder and driving force behind About Courage & the Burn Brighter Program.
For over 17 years he has worked closely with hundreds of clients struggling with burnout - and all of their negative, downward-spiralling effects, and how they impact people’s brains, bodies, lives and relationships.
He knows the challenges, he understands the impact your anxiety has on you, and he knows how to navigate big changes.
In his role as coach, Luke has a wonderful balance of being loving, caring and deeply compassionate, and then at the same time he has a direct, no-nonsense approach towards transforming his client’s lives.
Burnout is a very real problem. We have the solution.
Get started by downloading our free report where we discuss The 4 Secrets To Breaking Free From Anxiety & Reverse Burnout… without sacrificing your successful career, your relationships, & your happiness!
What does Anxiety look like?
Symptoms can manifest as:
Not being able to relax, even when you’re taking time out
Feeling easily overwhelmed & irritable
Unexplained mood swings
Brain fog
Feel tired regularly
Difficulty falling asleep & poor sleep quality
Vivid dreams
Sensitivity to light & sound
Difficulty bouncing back after stressful events
Feeling as though you’re burning out
Elevated blood pressure
This can lead to:
Shoulder & neck muscle tightness
Declining performance at work due to poor concentration & focus
Lack of motivation or the ability to make decisions
Digestive upsets - bloating, constipation, diarrhoea etc.
Hormonal imbalances - oestrogen, testosterone, & thyroid issues
Not prioritising self-care or time with your family & friends
Lowered self-esteem & sense of self-worth
Poor personal boundaries
Lack of libido & intimacy in your relationship
More fighting, coldness, & distance in your relationships
Feeling disconnected from the people you love around you