
Have some burning questions?

Why would your approach work when so many other approaches haven’t achieved any real change? +

The problem is that there are two sides of burnout:

There’s the emotional component, relating to a person’s boundaries, confidence, self-sabotage, emotional wounds, old stories, the constant pressures in a person’s life, and more.

Then there’s the physiological component, relating to a person’s brain chemistry, hormones, digestion, diet, toxins, and energy production within their body.

This makes resolving burnout more complex.

So many of our clients have come to us and they have been struggling with burnout for so long. They’ve been working with many different practitioners to address each of the different symptoms of their burnout as if they are separate and unrelated to one another.

This approach of addressing each problem separately is the way most practitioners have been trained, and it can work well for many issues.

For our clients struggling with burnout, this approach hasn’t resolved their issues effectively at all, and at best has only been a short-term result with the symptoms of their burnout often returning within days or weeks.

Our approach has been developed over the past 17 years specifically for sufferers of burnout. We understand what needs to happen and in what order for there to be real, long-lasting change.

We apply a holistic mind-body approach, focusing on supporting your body to rebuild bridges to recover and heal, and to reverse burnout.

Download our free report to learn more.

I’ve been told that there is nothing wrong with me or that I have to just learn to live with my symptoms. Why do you think differently? +

Most explorations into a person’s health are focused on whether someone needs surgery or medications. If they don’t require either, then they are often told that there is nothing wrong with them, that nothing can be done, or that it is all in their head.

Burnout, and all of its related health and life issues, often lies in this limbo space where you’re not so sick that you need medications or surgery, but you're definitely not well either.

We have dedicated the last 17 years to working with burnout sufferers. We understand where to look and what to assess in order to reveal the underlying causes, and what to do in order to resolve and heal burnout in a strategic, step-by-step, and holistic way so that our clients achieve amazing results.

Do I have to stop taking medications in order to work with you? +

Absolutely not.

Our program can easily work alongside conventional medicine. We take a full medical history and understand any medical interventions that you are currently taking or have taken in the past in order to develop the best program for you, that is incredibly safe and effective.

What sort of results can I expect from joining the program? +

To fully resolve burnout takes time. It took you years to get to where you are now, so it makes sense that it will take some time to heal and achieve amazing health.

Having said that, many of our clients have completely resolved their burnout or at the very least achieved an 80-90% improvement by the end of the program, with a clear path for continued healing moving forwards.

In the end, a lot of this comes down to you.

If you follow the program and do what it takes, you can achieve an amazing transformation within a couple of months. If you don’t follow the program or skip certain steps, then you will fall short of resolving your burnout.

We outline what you need to do step-by-step and provide you with incredible structured support and accountability, but you’re the one who has to do the work.

It takes effort, it takes courage, but the transformation is yours for the rest of your life.

How much does the program cost? +

For our clients, the health and life benefits of the program far out-weigh the financial investment.

And that’s exactly what it is, an investment.

Connect with what your life will look like once you’ve resolved and healed from your burnout. What will be the impact on your life?

For many of our clients, it completely transforms not only their physical, mental, and emotional health, but also their relationships, how they parent, and their career and ability to perform.

To discuss the financial investment and discover whether the program is right for you, we ask that you download our free report and book a breakthrough session with us that is offered. Download now.

How do I know if the program is right for me? +

Many of our clients have spent a lot of time and money searching for answers. This is frustrating and further decreases their hope that things can change.

We value openness and transparency. For this reason, we go through a thorough process to uncover whether the program is the right fit for you.

First, we ask that you download our free report, then you can book in for a breakthrough session where we can dive deep into your case and work together to figure out whether the program is going to be the right fit for you.

If it’s not the right fit, that’s completely fine. We will discuss what we believe are the best options for you moving forwards.


Want to learn more about how to eliminate your burnout? Take the first step.