
Our clients’ results


When client’s first come to us, they have been searching for answers for years or sometimes even decades.

They’ve tried so many different practitioners, medications, supplements, diet plans… and the list goes on.

Their levels of hope that things can change are very low.

But every day our clients are letting us know about the massive changes that are occurring in their health and their lives.

Below you can read some of our success stories...


Tamara H.

“Before working with Luke, I just felt like I had no control over my life. I felt like everything was controlling me. And I didn't really trust the decisions I was making, even though I thought that they were good decisions, that I was being influenced by people around me. I just didn't have the courage to step up. I was pretty much a yes person. It just felt like my life was not my life, it was everybody else's.

I was handing my power over to everybody else to make decisions and choices for me.

Luke helped me to gain courage in myself and to be true to myself and actually allowing myself to think, "What do I want?" rather than, "What do other people want?" or, "What do other people want from me?"

Nothing feels like an effort anymore, I just let it flow. I've loved this journey.”


Jasmine J.

“I was really struggling. Even getting up for work sometimes just felt incredibly difficult and I found that I couldn't make myself. I was scared that I wouldn't be able to change anything and that I would stay the same.

Since working with Luke I feel like I'm more confident to take those steps towards loving myself more. I feel like I have a better connection with who I want to be.

If you have anything that you want to deal with in your life, it doesn't matter what it is. It could be confidence, it could be stuff with your family, it could be anything. I would just say, I would encourage you to do this. I think this is a really important thing that everyone should do, every single person. It's like life skills so it helps you with tools to continue to move forward in your life.”


RobertA J.

"Luke was very professional, knowledgeable and a real master."


"Luke is trusting, caring, and incredibly talented (A wizard)."


Jo M.

“Before working with Luke I was conflicted about the relationship I was in, I spent a long time thinking that it was the wrong relationship for me but feeling unable to leave it.

Since completing the program with Luke my life has changed. I love it. I feel like I am moving forward in my life for the first time in a long time. I am happy with the changes that have happened this year. I am a happier person for it.

The most valuable thing was the way Luke was able to very quickly identify what the person was really talking about and assist them on the spot, which I thought was pretty amazing. Luke was able to get to the core of what they were saying pretty quickly, and that was really valuable.

I would highly recommend working with Luke. He has helped me and really gave me a better perspective on what I want, or even how to get to that place of knowing what I want. He gives you strategies and tools on how to really look after yourself. It is really valuable to do his program.”


Sarah M.

"Seeing Luke set me on a genuine path to wellness and a positive life. He is incredibly skilled and caring. With his help I continue to this day to be healed and have a happier life which I am so very grateful to him for."



“Before working with Luke I was probably getting more discontent in my workplace and feeling that I was going nowhere with work and that I didn't have any control. Since work is such a huge part of my life it started to dribble into other parts of my life and I started to feel unsatisfied and not happy at home.

Luke helped me to able to say: “this is what I'm prepared to put up with”, and “this is what I'm not prepared to put up with.” I'm now putting me first more and that's been a really positive thing.

Doing the Program with Luke was a turning point, that up until then I'd never given myself permission to have boundaries. Or I didn't know how to. During the program I learnt how to put boundaries in place and protect them and then the biggest thing is that you're actually allowed to have them. Sometimes you don't even realise that you're supposed to have them. And then looking after them is hopeless.

You get so many practical skills from the About Courage Program. It helps you to recognise all the parts of your life that maybe you've put aside, like your family stories, like looking after yourself, like knowing what your boundaries are so it brings that all to the surface and identifies some of the problems that you're having and then gives you some really good and practical tools and strategies for how to deal with them.”


Willamina W.

"I've noticed a remarkable difference in my emotional stability since I've been working with Luke. I have struggled with the 'why's' for so long, Luke has assisted me to understand, let go, move forward - in leaps and bounds."


Julianne H.

"Anxiety is something I have lived with for more than 20 years. I had sought help through so many different areas in the past, however, nothing had resulted in any real change. But the work I have done with Luke has made significantly deep changes within me. I feel like my whole make-up has shifted and I feel a 'solidness' within that I honestly have never experienced before."


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